Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Emelyn F. Montoya, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) provides leadership and direction in all academic and related programs of the University: curriculum and instruction; student affairs and coordination of academic programs, sports, and recreation activities. Furthermore, the office represents the University on matters of academic nature with appropriate agencies, bodies, or offices when so designated by the University President.
Offices Under the Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Colleges/Campus/Institutes are specifically responsible for the delivery of academic services to the students. This includes curriculum development, management of learning, and program evaluation. The Deans/Directors act
s as the presiding officer and counselor of the faculty of their colleges, campuses, or institutes or personnel of the unit under them. The Deans/Directors have ultimate accountability for their college’s, campus’ or institute's sound management of resources: fiscal, facilities, and human. They are responsible for collegiate planning, including alignment of plans for educational, research, and other activities in their colleges.

The Office of Student Affairs implements policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations on student organizations, activities, programs, conduct, and discipline; supports student success, and enhancement of student growth; and development through programs, projects, and activities.
Services Offered: the services offered are Information and orientation, Scholarships and Grants, Student assistantship program, Student Organizations, Leadership Training, Multi-faith and convocations, student publications, services to differently-abled students; and student discipline.
Connect with Us:
Contact No: 09637872755
Email Address:
FB Page: Office of Student Affairs & Services

The Office of the University Registrar plans, implements, and evaluates policies relative to registration, scheduling of courses, data processing, recording, and storage of student records. Administers operations in the areas of registration, enrolment, graduation, and other related activities. Issues certificates, grades, records, diplomas, and transcript of records to the students based on existing rules and regulations of records management.
Services Offered:
- Assist the students in their Admission to the University:
- Provide Entrance Examination and qualify the grades of the applicants
- Implement the Applicants and Students Admission, Registration, and Retention policy
- Provide referral to applicant and students
- Provide the campus assignment of the applicants and students in accordance with the allowable slots for every course
- Evaluates the student records for their promotion and graduation
- Prepares the following documents:
- Certification of Enrollment
- Certification of Graduation
- Certification, Authentication and Verification (CAV)
- Certification of English as Medium of Instruction
- Honorable Dismissal
- Transcript of Records and
- Diploma
Connect with Us:
Contact No: +639272906586 | 09668572924
Email Address:
FB Page: Registrar's Office

The Office of the Health Services Unit has a long history in providing medical and dental health care assistance to the University. The important role of this office in the care of the Health of the University’s employees, staff and students have been recognized as essential for the betterment of the client and the Institution. Being the front liners in the health needs of this University, we are to consider not only the present health problems but as well as the risks and hazards in the premises of Romblon State University.
- Services Offered:
- Medical Consultation
- Medical Examination
- Health Promotion
- Health Education
- Dental Consultation
- Dental Extraction
- Oral Prophylaxis
- Oral Health Awareness
- On scheduled basis every start of every semester
Connect with Us:
Contact No: 09219958224
Email Address:
FB Page: RSU Health Services Unit

The Guidance and Counseling Services Office shall dedicate itself to the development of the students into well-rounded and competent professionals.
- Services Offered:
- Counseling
- Information
- Testing
- Consultation
- Referral
- Follow - Up
- Research And Evaluation
- Placement
- Issuance of Certificates of Good Moral Character
Connect with Us:
Contact No: (042) 567 5620
Email Address:
FB Page: Guidance and Counseling Services
The Office of the Learning Resource Center assists the faculty and students in scholarly pursuits and research; serves as a repository of the institution's history and development, theses and dissertations; and University publications.
- Services Offered:
- Online Book Borrowing
- Dropbox Book Returns
- Online Instruction And Orientation
- Online Reference Services
- Remote Access To Electronic Resources (RSU-iLearn)
- Philippine E-journals
- Philippine E-Book Hub (Online Filipiniana)
- Learning Hubs And Tech4ed Centers
Connect with Us:
Contact No: (042) 567 5620
Email Address:
FB Page: RSU Learning Resource Center

The Social & Cultural Affairs Office develops and promotes Social, Cultural, and Arts programs to improve the quality of student outcomes and encouraging student development. Spearhead, monitor, and evaluate social, cultural, and arts programs to ensure that their activities are conducted within budget limits and institutional objectives. Plans and conducts Cultural and arts activities to elevate and imbibe cultural awareness among students and the whole academic community.
Services Offered:
- The Social and Cultural Affairs Office is also in-charge in managing the social functions of the university through programs, events, projects and performances.
- Planning activities related to culture and arts for the entire university
- Facilitating formulation of policies and guidelines in the implementation of the social and cultural activities in the university
- Coordinating with different colleges, institutes and campuses in the conduct of various localized social and cultural activities
- Developing linkages with other Higher Education and state universities and colleges related to social and cultural affairs
Connect with Us:
Contact No: 09987220175
Email Address:
FB Page: RSU - Social and Cultural Affairs Office

Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) office is the one who implements the Republic Act 10931, known as the Universal access quality education. It is an Act promoting universal access to quality Tertiary education by providing for free tuition and other school fees in Romblon State University same with other SUCs and LUCs as mandated by the CHED. The office follow the rules in implementing the R.A. 10931 that aimed to provide free higher education to all qualified students who were accepted to their preferred program.
Connect with Us:
Contact No: (042) 567 6043
Email Address:
FB Page: Romblon State University - TES

The Sports Development Program Office is tasked to plan, organize, implement and manage sports and athletic activities among the students, faculty & employees as well. So we welcome all interested students, faculty and employees to participate in any way; as athletes, coaches, officials and facilitators.
Objective aims to:
- To develop and to provide opportunities for participation in a wide variety of sports competition and life-long recreational activities.
- To provide quality coaches and trainer who are expert and excellent role models and who have positive influence on students/athletes.
- To provide opportunities for high level of skill development and competitive success.
- To provide facilities, equipment and supplies that meet the health and safety international standard for all participants.
- To develop collaborative efforts which are mutually beneficial to the school and the community.
- To operate a sporty package that is based on sound educational principles and is an integral part of the total curriculum.
Connect with Us:
Contact No: 0939-656-1093 | 0927-553-6505
Email Address:
FB Page: RSU National Service Training Program

The National Service Training Program promotes the roles of the youth in nation-building; encourages the youths to become civic and/or military leaders and volunteers who could be called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.
Services Offered:
- NAVY ROTC - for the Main campus and Sawang campus
- ARMY ROTC – for all Tablas Campuses, Cajidiocan and San Fernando campuses
- CIVIC WELFARE TRAINING SERVICE- Main campus, Cajidiocan and San Fernando campuses
Connect with Us:
Contact No: 0939-656-1093 | 0927-553-6505
Email Address:
FB Page: RSU National Service Training Program

The Center for Alumni Relations and Services serves as ambassador of goodwill between RSU Alumni and Administration. It functions as center for employment services of graduates. In-charge of the Alumni related programs and projects and is also responsible for collaborations with partner agencies and NGOs.
Connect with Us:
Contact No: 09213319281
Email Address:
FB Page: Romblon State University Alumni Affairs