Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, Development, and Innovation
Prof. Eddie G. Fetalvero, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research, Extension, Development, and Innovation (VPREDi)
The Vice President for Research, Extension, Development, and Innovation (VPREDi) provides leadership and direction in planning of research and extension programs of the University; coordinates with other units of the University and with other government and private research and extension institutions for effective program implementation; and represents the University on matters relevant to its research and extension functions when designated by the University President.
Offices Under the Vice President for Research, Extension, Development, and Innovation

The Research and Development Office enables interaction between faculty, scholars, students, and industry to enhance research opportunities, academic excellence, real-world problem solving, and knowledge creation and dissemination; reviews and approves research proposals; conducts and monitors the progress of research activities; and disseminates research outputs through paper presentations and publications. The office also fosters the creation of intellectual property in the University, particularly in invention and utility models; supports Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the community through technical assistance with regards to trademark and patent searches as well as drafting of patent, utility model, and industrial design documents.

The Extension Services Officeresponds to the social needs to combat social and economic ills of the community; applies useful knowledge developed by University researchers in the solution of the community's major problems, initiates, catalyzes, and sustains the development of various communities using experience and available resources; creates a more favorable, true to life teaching-learning experience for students and the University to bring its expertise and resources to the community; and includes the provision of training, techno-demo services, as well as, information and support services to client sectors to improve their technical, business and social capabilities.

The Training and Technical Advisory Services Office organizes activities for the academic and immediate communities in the fields that have gained importance on the improvement of individuals with a view of career building, improving professional knowledge and skills, achieving new skills, and supplying individual development needs.