Office of the University President
President Merian Catajay-Mani. ED.D., CESE
University President
The University President takes care of the overall administration and supervision of the University.The President carries out the general policies laid down by the BOR and has the power to act within the limits of said general policies and in accordance with the specific duties and responsibilities.
Offices Under the University President
The University Academic Council is composed of the University President as chairperson and all the members of the instructional staff with ranks not lower than Assistant Professors. The University librarian, the registrar, and other officials of equal ranks whose duties and responsibilities related to the academic affairs of the University are non-voting members of the Academic Council. The Academic Council has the power to review and recommend the curricular offerings and rules of discipline of the University for appropriate action of the Board. It specifies the requirements for the admission of students as well as graduation and conferment of degrees subject to review/ approval by the Board through the President.
The University Research and Extension Council (URECO) is an advisory body composed of the University President as Chairperson, The Vice President for Research, Extension, Development, and Innovation as co-Chairperson, the Director for Research and Development as Vice-Chairperson; Head of R & D Publication Office as Secretary; and Director for Extension, Director for Training and Technical Advisory Services, Head of Knowledge Management and Technology Transfer Office, Head of Research Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Head of Extension and Community Linakes Office, Head of Extension Support Office, Head of Extension Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Head of Continuing Professional Development Office, Head of Training Office, Head of Technical Advisory Office Head of Training Monitoring and Evaluation Office, college and campus research, extension and training coordinators as regular members. It has to review and recommend to the Board of Regents the policies governing the research, extension, and innovation activities of the University for appropriate action.
The University Administrative Council is composed of the University President as chairperson and the vice presidents, deans of colleges, and directors of equal rank as members. Its duty is to review and recommend to the BOR the policies governing the administration, management, and development planning of the University for appropriate action.
The Executive Assistant is responsible for the production of information by transcribing, inputting, and transmitting data. Reminds the president of her commitments and schedules; accompanies the president in her activities. Performs other relevant functions as assigned by the executive.
The Office of the University Secretary solicits agenda from the various units of the University and issues the Notices of Meetings of the Academic Council and Administrative Council. Prepare the Minutes of the Meetings for Board of Regents meeting/s. Submits reports as needed by the President and BOR.
The Planning and Development Office assists the University President in planning and developing programs of the University and provide central direction in the formulation of strategic and operational development plans of the University, and undertake monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of development programs.

The Quality Assurance Office plans and implements the internal assessment of the University's activities, processes, and resources towards enhancing its accreditation status and maintaining its international certifications. Ensure readiness of units, colleges, campuses, and institutes for the scheduled surveillance visits of accrediting agencies and certifying bodies. Facilitate the conduct of the external assessment of the duly recognized accrediting agency and certifying body and ensure that any findings and/or non-conformances raised from the external assessment are properly addressed and closed.

The International Relations Office takes care of foreign programs in consonance with the prescribed requirements of the Commission on Higher Education. Coordinates with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) embassies, Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and other agencies of government on international academic matters, cultural exchanges, scholarship fellowships, donations, and related matter. Contacts and coordinates with schools and institutions abroad to expose faculty, staff, and students to global standards of academic learning and industry practice.

The Internal Audit Services Office advises the President of the University on all matters relating to management control and operations audits. Conduct management and operations audits of the unit, college, campus, or institute functions, programs, projects, activities with outputs, and determine the degree of compliance with their mandates, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and procedures/processes, and contractual obligations. Reviews and appraises the systems and procedures, organizational structures, asset management practices, financial and management records, reports, and performance standards. Analyzes and evaluates management deficiencies and assists top management by recommending realistic courses of action.

The Media and Public Affairs Office is responsible for internal and external dissemination of information regarding University matters as well as community relations that shall promote and enhance the public image of the University. The office is responsible for field media conferences and develop University-related stories for general release, consolidates information pertaining to activities undertaken, programs, and projects of the University. In-charge of online news and announcements through the University system’s website and social media accounts and maintain the monthly newsletter RSU Bulletin.

The Gender and Development Office directs Gender Responsive Development Planning (GRDP) pursuant to existing laws, rules, and regulations. It also serves as adviser and mediator on office matters concerning gender issues and women in development pursuant to RA7192, “Women in Nation-Building Act.” Conducts development programs towards the promotion of gender awareness and responsiveness to institutional plans in accordance with the Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive Development, 1995-2025.

The Central Records Management Office manages the safekeeping of records and University issuances, internal and external communications, and archiving and disposal of records; recommends and implements records management policies in compliance with the rules and regulations of the National Archives of the Philippines.

The Special Project and Advocacy Office generates project proposals as well as evaluates and recommends actions on the proposed special programs and projects submitted for funding to the office of the University President and provides technical and administrative support to the University in the management of internally and externally funded special programs and projects.

The Data Protection Officer is responsible for the overall management and oversight of data protection strategy and implementation of personal information controllers (PIC) and personal information processors (PIP) as well as compliance with the Data Privacy Act, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, related issuances of the National Privacy Commission(NPC), and other applicable laws and regulations about data privacy and security such as the General Data Protection Regulation in the University.

The Safety and Security Office ensures security and safety in the University of both the human and physical resources, including clients. Maintains peace and order within the University through enforcement of its rules and regulations.